Our Programs

Peace Building & Conflict Transformation Program

In a diversified society, developing a programmatic response to peace building priorities is a multi-step process that requires conflict analysis, including a consideration of the specific ways in which conflict impacts genders differently; a theory of change; an informed risk assessment, and a robust monitoring and evaluation framework.

Since we cannot find peace by avoiding conflict, LSD believes that Conflict transformation is a long-term, gradual and complex process, requiring sustained engagement and interaction. It is not just an approach and set of techniques, but a way of thinking about and understanding conflict itself.

In the process of promoting peace, conflict transformation invariably involves a third, impartial party, in order to help actors alter their cognitive and emotional views on the ‘Other’, thereby helping to break down divisions towards a clear understanding of the richness of the Lebanese diversity.


Peace Building & Conflict Transformation Program

Peace Building & Conflict Transformation Program

In a diversified society, developing a programmatic response to peace building priorities is a multi-step process that requires conflict analysis, including a consideration of the specific ways in which conflict impacts genders differently; a theory of change; an...

Human Rights Advocacy Program

Human Rights Advocacy Program

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are...

Mental Health and Well-Being Program

Mental Health and Well-Being Program

The Leadership for Sustainable Development team stresses on the importance of mental health and well-being, especially when it comes to the younger generation. Mental health is the basis of a good thinking process and LSD sets it as a priority now particularly due to...