Our Programs

Citizenship and Civic Engagement Program

Big changes begin with small steps, and so, to build a better Lebanon, we have to start with each individual becoming a better citizen. A good citizen reflects his/her values onto society, as an active and responsible part of their community. Also, it is one of the priorities of good citizenship to embrace diversity and accept it as one of the advantages of our society. Therefore, the Citizenship and Civil engagement program helps people understand their rights and their responsibilities towards their community and works on fortifying equality, unity, and promoting peace between the Lebanese people.

Additionally, this program works on raising awareness on the electoral laws, the people’s voting privileges, and the whole voting procedure. The main aim is to help the electors choose the right candidates to represent them make their voices heard.


Peace Building & Conflict Transformation Program

Peace Building & Conflict Transformation Program

In a diversified society, developing a programmatic response to peace building priorities is a multi-step process that requires conflict analysis, including a consideration of the specific ways in which conflict impacts genders differently; a theory of change; an...

Human Rights Advocacy Program

Human Rights Advocacy Program

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are...